Tuesday, 7 January 2014


If you guys are all up on my vlogs, then you know that I am safely back in the west coast, where the weather is better, and school has started up again. I'm trying to have a really good semester (grade and stress wise) so I'm actually organizing my time a bit, and figuring out a semi-schedule to follow so I can get everything I want to do done.
But, that is neither here nor there, in terms of this post.
I actually wanted to talk about the holidays a bit, and actually include some photos from my actual camera (and new camera) rather than using pics from my phone. 

Now, my mother is ALL about traditions. I think the hubs and I counted a dozen traditions that she is all about, and that didn't include things like meal times, presents, family attendance, and all that. I won't get into them all, but it was interesting. I've been around them my entire life, so it isn't a big deal to me, but, the hubs, while not his first time holidaying at my parents house,  it is the longest we've ever spent in Ontario for the christmas break. Anyways, it was funny to see his reactions to my mother demanding something because it was tradition. Next year will be right funny, as we have all decided to say bugger the winter, and we're going somewhere warm instead (details later).

Actually, this year, we didn't even get to do as many traditions as we normally do, as we had the big ice storm and couldn't get out to see the extended family. Which was fine, I guess. Weird, of course, but sometimes avoiding near death situations is worth not seeing extended family.The ice storm was super pretty though.

We also made some gingerbread men-some of which are inappropriate, but funny as hell, and spent a lot of time in the new awesome gym in Guelph, (called Evolution, and it was AMAZING. They had everything I could need, and some great classes, and it was 24 hours. 10/10, would recommend) and in the hot tub, which I did not get pictures of. Unfortunate, but I wasn't about to ruin my camera in the steam/snow.

OH, and a picture of the christmas tree with all the presents underneath! I can't forget that one! This is most of the stuff that we had all bought-so, 6 people's worth. We didn't have things for the extended family, or the husbands family underneath either. So, yea. We are kinda spoiled ^^

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