Saturday, 21 June 2014

(Another) Throwback post! My Hometown!

My hometown of Guelph Ont, is really only famous for a few things-The University of Guelph, and the hometown of the leader of the Pot Party. I think that's about it. Oh, and the authors Jean Little and Robert Munch.
I know that I've posted pictures of my hometown before-I go there often enough, that there are lots of posts about Ontario. But, this is different. You see, this was before I knew I would be leaving forever. I also thought I could be a semi-professional photographer at some point in my life. As you can see, that never turned out. I don't mean to say I take bad pictures-I think they are quite alright-it just means that I will never make money from it. That's fine. There are plenty of real photographers out there with lots of talent, you know?
So, enjoy these OLD photos (maybe 2 cameras ago) and look forward to some new ones from Ontario in August!
Church of our lady. Religion scares the crap out of me, but the architecture is beautiful. 

Abandoned steam train

The sunsets in the winter are just beautiful sometimes
The ever-peaceful Buddha 

And you thought the church was big from the front! 

Abandoned train station

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