Friday, 6 April 2012

Stuff and more

Did I ever talk about the bank cards that we get here in Korea? They are awesome. Like, really really awesome. It's a debit card that has credit card abilities. Now, I know this isn't new for a lot of people, and credit cards aren't really the better than sliced bread thing that I treat them as, BUT, it's still pretty amazing.

This has lead to me buying a lot of things online. Normally, I don't do it, since the whole process involves me using my husbands credit card-after convincing him that I need whatever thing that i was to purchase-and then ordering, and then emailing him the money to put back on his card. It doesn't sound hard, but, sometimes, I want to buy things my husband doesn't think is a good investment, which, in all reality, is fair enough.


Now I have my own card. Which is awesome. And dangerous. I have a lot of mail coming to me, and the anime fan girl in me is mighty pleased.  I now have several prints from Deviant Art on their way to me. I wanted to send them back to Canada, but apparently, they always ship to the billing address. Oh well.
Including this one, from one of my favourite web-comics, Technicolour London.

Oh, and flights back to Canada have officially been booked, and paid for.

Today has been an expensive, and yet productive, day.

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