Sunday 6 January 2013

Christmas in Ontario

I hope everyone has a good holiday! I have returned from my mini-vacation back in Ontario with the family. It's nice to see all my family, as well as my husbands family, again. Been a while since I had seen everyone. Like, over a year. Since before I went to Korea.

Anyways, it was a pretty chill vacation, and I had a great time. I don't want to move back to Ontario, ever, but it was nice to be there for a week. And then leave. Back to my nice, quiet life here on the west coast. Gotta say, I'm pretty fond of living where I do. And, on that off chance that I live in Canada for a large part of my life, I think it will be here, nestled between the ocean and the mountains.

But, here is a small visual recap of my vacation time!
In short-dogs, niece, more dogs, presents, dogs.

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