Thursday, 13 December 2012

Fall semester-we are done

For better or worse, this semester is finally done. About damn time, too. This is awesome for a lot of reasons, mostly because I have had about 8 hours of sleep in the last 3 days, and I could really use a nap, rather than another 12 hour study session.
I could also use a solid workout at the gym. Which I will be doing shortly. This will be one of my last workouts at the YMCA because I cancelled my membership.

Why, you might ask?

Well, today is special for more than just the end of finals. It's also my last day at my current college. I am transferring to SFU for next semester, and that university has it's own gym. It does mean that I'll be working out at home for the next few weeks, but I got some awesome workout already planned out.

This is also the last day that I am an English major. I start my new major in Spring, and, I, for one, and looking forward to it.

But, after I get a few solid hours of sleep, of course.

This also gives me time to get all my projects started and stuff. I am starting some really cool stuff soon, and, when I have more to say, I'll make a post, but for now, just know that awesness is afoot.
I have also got myself a new artist for my comic. I just don't have the time, or the artistic talent to do it, and my readers deserve better. The girl that I'm going to be working with is awesome. She sent me a few sketches and, guys, this will be great! I am super excited.
I've also been in talks with a few other artists for a few more comics. I can't draw for anything, but, man, I can write. I actually find it hard to stop creating stories. It takes a bit of time to finish them all, but I have loads of them. Hopefully one of them becomes super awesome, and I can go to comic cons as a guest. Wishful thinking, I know.

Now, for that gym and then sleep I so desperately need. Enjoy this video if you are feeling down, or need a quick fix for adorablness.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to being finished with exams!!

    Love the video, it's adorable. The squeaking and determination this little guy is precious lol.
